Adéntrese en el corazón del arte y la historia en el Museo del Louvre
Contemple la enigmática sonrisa de la Mona Lisa, el retrato más reconocido del mundo, y maravíllese ante la exquisita artesanía de la Venus de Milo, símbolo de la belleza femenina.Recorra las vastas galerías, donde miles de pinturas, esculturas y artefactos aguardan su descubrimiento.Eleve su experiencia con entradas en línea compradas con antelación, que le ahorrarán tiempo y dinero.Evite las largas colas y salte directamente al museo, donde entrará en la Pirámide del Louvre, una maravilla arquitectónica contemporánea.
A bit skeptical after purchase because of the non-refundable notices (and a few bad online reviews) received immediately upon purchase. But the tickets showed up within an hour and it all worked out fine. Be sure to find the right security entry time queue/line at the Louvre and arrive early.
20 euro as service fee. But it worked fine and the tickets were send within minutes after purchase.
It’s very big and beautiful place where everyone will find something for themselves. If you want to see everything you’ll need at least a whole day. The queues I saw were extreme long, so it’s good idea to buy ticet via internet to avoid them; I have entered the museum within 10-20 minutes thanks to skip-the-line ticket - not the cheapest option (still good price anyway) but definetley worth it’s price.