Vstúpte do srdca umenia a histórie v múzeu Louvre
Pozrite sa na tajomný úsmev Mony Lisy, najznámejšieho portrétu na svete, a obdivujte vynikajúce remeselné spracovanie Venuše z Mila, symbolu ženskej krásy.Prechádzajte obrovskými galériami, kde na vás čakajú tisíce obrazov, sôch a artefaktov.Zlepšite si zážitok vďaka vopred zakúpeným online vstupenkám, ktoré vám ušetria drahocenný čas a peniaze.Obíďte dlhé rady a prejdite priamo do múzea, kde vstúpite do pyramídy Louvre, zázraku súčasnej architektúry.
We visited this fantastic museum the 25th of september. This museum is too large to see the whole collection. I spent hours to visit all rooms filled with incredible art, you'll need months just to go through each gallery to fully appreciate the amazing works of art and objects here. The gardens were also amazing we love the music but had also not enough time and energy to visit every square meter. We will come back next year to see the Louvre museum againt. Oh the food was delicious, don't forget to have lunch in the Louvre restaurant.
Lovely place, be prepared for lots of people!
Worked, didn't have any issues. The price is higher, but all the tickets through the official website are sold out so it was a good alternative