Vstúpte do srdca umenia a histórie v múzeu Louvre
Pozrite sa na tajomný úsmev Mony Lisy, najznámejšieho portrétu na svete, a obdivujte vynikajúce remeselné spracovanie Venuše z Mila, symbolu ženskej krásy.Prechádzajte obrovskými galériami, kde na vás čakajú tisíce obrazov, sôch a artefaktov.Zlepšite si zážitok vďaka vopred zakúpeným online vstupenkám, ktoré vám ušetria drahocenný čas a peniaze.Obíďte dlhé rady a prejdite priamo do múzea, kde vstúpite do pyramídy Louvre, zázraku súčasnej architektúry.
The Louvre is a museum that I can never get enough of. In past years I have bought my ticket in advance but this year I decided to take a spontaneous approach. Despite having to stand in line, I found myself inside the museum within less than an hour. This hour includes security checks and purchasing a ticket. Once I had a ticket, I was able to roam through various halls and enjoy the expansive array of art. Although I went on a Saturday afternoon, the spaces were not overly crowded. With each visit I try to see a new wing although I find myself keep getting drawn back to the same pieces that I treasure so much.
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It was fun checking out the Louvre. Get your tickets ahead of time as well. This is a massive museum filled with so many paintings, sculptures and all sorts of art pieces. Go for the earliest available entry time and avoid the rush of people as much as you can as it gets busy. This is definitely a must visit museum for Paris.
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This was my 2nd visit to the Louvre, and I love it. A lot of things to discover all over the place. The personnel was strict but friendly, and they helped me out when I missed the guided tour I had prepaid due to train arrival delay. The locker rooms for luggage are required (you're not allowed to take stuff with you and the personnel is strict on that) and the locks are hard to figure out, but once you've got it, it's free and easy. The location is easily reachable by metro (underground, subway).
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