Vstúpte do srdca umenia a histórie v múzeu Louvre
Pozrite sa na tajomný úsmev Mony Lisy, najznámejšieho portrétu na svete, a obdivujte vynikajúce remeselné spracovanie Venuše z Mila, symbolu ženskej krásy.Prechádzajte obrovskými galériami, kde na vás čakajú tisíce obrazov, sôch a artefaktov.Zlepšite si zážitok vďaka vopred zakúpeným online vstupenkám, ktoré vám ušetria drahocenný čas a peniaze.Obíďte dlhé rady a prejdite priamo do múzea, kde vstúpite do pyramídy Louvre, zázraku súčasnej architektúry.
Get advance tickets, and front-of-line access tickets - otherwise, it's really crazy!! Take your time walking around, there's a lot of things to see!!
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I’m sure it doesn’t count we did not go in the loop this visit. We only stayed outside and walked around the grounds lines to get in was way too long. Was here and thousand seven
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We began with an excellent small group morning tour. The perfect way to do a recon of the place. Then spent time on our own. Went back a few days later for an afternoon in the special Leonardo DaVinci exhibit. More time on our own afterward. One could spend weeks in there (preferably with a guide) and still look forward to another visit.
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