Vstúpte do srdca umenia a histórie v múzeu Louvre
Pozrite sa na tajomný úsmev Mony Lisy, najznámejšieho portrétu na svete, a obdivujte vynikajúce remeselné spracovanie Venuše z Mila, symbolu ženskej krásy.Prechádzajte obrovskými galériami, kde na vás čakajú tisíce obrazov, sôch a artefaktov.Zlepšite si zážitok vďaka vopred zakúpeným online vstupenkám, ktoré vám ušetria drahocenný čas a peniaze.Obíďte dlhé rady a prejdite priamo do múzea, kde vstúpite do pyramídy Louvre, zázraku súčasnej architektúry.
We took a guided tour for the Louvre and it was fab but you don't need one if you're not bothered. It did help to skip the queues though as it was extremely busy getting in. Had a fantastic time going through the rooms, you could spend so much time looking at everything it's unbelievable. Definitely a must!
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Do yourself a favour and rent the audio guide, there are locker rooms available so you do not have to carry backpacks with you. We were fortunate enough to visit the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit and it was amazing to see his life laid out in the form of his art!
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I didn’t realize there are two entrances into the Louvre. It was beautiful to see all the art work. Most of the famous pieces had a long line or large crowd around them. Mona Lisa specifically. It was an experience. I wouldn’t go back inside because of how busy it was.
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