Viaggiate nel cuore della storia francese e sperimentate l'impareggiabile grandezza della Reggia di Versailles, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO e testimonianza del potere e dell'opulenza della monarchia francese.
Immergetevi nella ricca storia di Versailles, un luogo dove re e regine regnavano sovrani e si svolgevano grandiose serate. Assistete agli echi del passato esplorando gli angoli nascosti del palazzo e ascoltando i racconti di coloro che un tempo percorrevano queste sale.
I had booked tickets for 9:30 am on Sunday and that was a great time to visit. The lines weren’t too bad at that point but by the time we were finished a lot of people showed up so i suggest earlier hours to visit. It’s for sure worthy it and nice to get out of the city to enjoy the beautiful palace.
Beautiful palace. Should have got the audio guide. Everything was written in French with no translation in English at all. Was very crowded. Couldn’t enjoy the gardens as much because it rained the day we went.
Es ist einfach eine unendliche Überraschung nach der anderen. Das Innere ist glamourös und überwältigend, die Gärten sind riesig und die Trianons sind ein Muss - vor allem Marie-Antoinettes kleines Dörfchen... Innerhalb des Palastkomplexes gibt es auch viele Restaurants, die im Vergleich zu anderen Touristenattraktionen nicht überteuert sind.