Viaggiate nel cuore della storia francese e sperimentate l'impareggiabile grandezza della Reggia di Versailles, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO e testimonianza del potere e dell'opulenza della monarchia francese.
Immergetevi nella ricca storia di Versailles, un luogo dove re e regine regnavano sovrani e si svolgevano grandiose serate. Assistete agli echi del passato esplorando gli angoli nascosti del palazzo e ascoltando i racconti di coloro che un tempo percorrevano queste sale.
Was für ein Ort, könnte man leicht verbringen 2 Tage, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie alles sehen. Wir kamen an einem Sonntagnachmittag an und es war zu viel los, um den Palast zu genießen. Das Gelände war etwas besser, aber immer noch eine Menge Leute. Mein Vorschlag ist, früh ankommen und überprüfen Sie den Palast dann verbringen den Rest des Tages auf dem Gelände.
My first time at the palace of Versailles. I almost couldn’t make it but I’m glad that I did. It was wonderful… our tour guide was knowledgeable and was great. We had lunch at the restaurant in the Palace… little bit of a queue, but worth the wait. My advice is to go early… in the afternoon the lines are very long.
When they say the palace is built “over the top”, they mean it. Absolutely breathtaking. I went with a tour group, so I don’t know how long the wait is without tickets ahead of time, but seeing the crowds, I would for sure buy the tickets beforehand. Also make sure your whole day is open, you definitely need it to see the whole palace.